The Short-Shorts Conclusion
Well, I have recently arrived at a turning point in my life. I have finally arrived at the short-shorts conclusion.
As we grow older, we learn along the way that at certain points in life it becomes increasingly improbable that we will ever be able to achieve certain things that either:
A. We had hoped to do. Or
B. We could once do in the past.
Obvious things like being able to convince women that we were only 28, or being able to shirk certain duties at work due to a perceived lack of experience/understanding are just a few.
But the one that has really hit home for me lately is coming to the conclusion that in all likelihood, I will never get another chance to peel a pair of short-shorts off of some long legged Asian beauty again. It’s sad really. But notice I haven’t said impossible! Just highly improbable. A man has got to keep his hopes up somehow.
So, tonight, I raise a glass to all the men out there, who like me, have reached that turning point in life that is:
(ahhhh…. But to return to the good ole days!!)