GaijinAgain Blog
Using a Dynojet Autotune with a PCV
This is a How-To for using the Dynojet Autotune for your Power Commander V (PCV) that is adapted from an old post on the Yamaha Road Star Raider Motorcycle Forum by Capt_Zoom. One thing...
The Short-Shorts Conclusion
Well, I have recently arrived at a turning point in my life. I have finally arrived at the short-shorts conclusion. As we grow older, we learn along the way that at certain points in...
Quote of the Month 5
The quote for August: As an educator it is my duty to empower you to think, so that you can go forth and think accurate thoughts about how the world is put together, inoculating...
I don’t want a pickle…
I don’t want a pickle, I just wanna ride on my motorcycle… This has been a crap riding season. With my light rebuild eating into the early spring rides, then the early onset of...
Like a Running Back
With the World Cup almost over and the football season (American, that is) just two months away, I’ve been spending a bit of time watching games. Though I never liked soccer before, I’ve really...
Media around the world
So corporations own the media in the U.S. Everybody knows this, just like they know that all the politicians are bought and paid for. (Whether they want to acknowledge it or not.) Meanwhile, in...
Quote of the Month 16
The quote for July: “I cannot conceive of a God who rewards and punishes his creatures, or has a will of the type of which we are conscious in ourselves. An individual who should...