Flag Pole on a FeelFree Corona
I think it’s pretty well accepted that it’s hard to add accessories to FeelFree SoT kayaks without drilling or cutting. But with a little ingenuity, there are some things that we can do with the stock features.
One thing that every kayak should have is a safety flag. Here’s a simple way to build a removable flag pole for your kayak using some simple parts from the hardware store and some old stuff I had laying around the garage.

This flag pole uses:
- part of an old collapsible fishing pole
- a PVC T-joint
- a male threaded attachment for the joint and small piece of pipe to fit into it
- a 45 degree stainless hook bolt with washers and nut
- some window caulking
- some random wire I had
- and of course a flag
First, I wrapped the bottom of the pole in tape so it wouldn’t splinter, then I drilled a hole through the pole and piece of PVC it would be held in. I ran the wire through the holes to keep the pole in place then filled the pipe with caulking. The caulking gives the pole stability while the wire keeps it from being able to be pulled out.

Once the caulking dries, use some PVC adhesive and glue it into the male joint. While you’re waiting for the caulking to dry, you can drill a larger hole in the T-joint. This is where the hook bolt will go.

As you can see, I cut the threads a little shorter and added a padded washer used for corrugated fiberglass to give the bolt a little support. I should add a lock washer as well.

The holder is attached to one of the built-in cargo hooks using a 10mm socket, then just screw the male attachment with the flag pole onto the T-joint.
If you have a pretty consistent wind, the bolt may work itself loose from wiggling back and forth so make sure you tighten down well. You could even attach a short leash to the pole if you are worried about it. (I’ve only had it fall off once or twice, and then I just pick it out of the water and put it back on.)
Using these hook bolts, I’ve seen some other guys build deck for attaching sails, outriggers, and even a rudder. I think my next project will be some kind of rudder.