Quote of the Month 8
The quote for November:
Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
A quote often credited to Carl Sagan but
more likely written by Newsweek reporters
Given some thought, a very motivational point. This goes with my personal philosophy to never stop learning. Trying new things on a daily basis is what gives our lives meaning and a reason to carry on. When you get stuck in a rut, doing the same old shit day-in and day-out, it’s best to find something new. Start a new hobby, try something you’ve never done before even if you fail miserably at it. Hell, it doesn’t even have to be difficult. You could try reading a genre of book you’ve never tried before, or here’s an even simpler one:
1. Go to Youtube and type “Full Album” into the search bar
2. Now click on one of the results for a band that you have NEVER heard of before.
You may be pleasantly surprised. Of course you may find yourself cringing in horror or laughing out loud as well!