Category: Parent


Spa Naoiri #1

Spa Naoiri – first track day Yesterday, I went to my first track day. The track is called Spa Naoiri and is located in Oita, Japan. (The prefecture in the upper right of the...


Spa Naoiri #2

2nd Track Day So, last Sunday we had our second track day at SPA Naoiri. Great fun and the weather stayed dry for us until we were finished. Kind of the same deal as...

Generic Drugs Get a Boost

Just a quick note today in support of the ruling by the Indian courts to support generic drugs. (More here.) Now, before you jump on the pharmaceutical companies’ bandwagon and start saying that it...

A loss…

I just wanted to report, even at this late hour, that I have lost something of late that was sure to put a smile on my face. Until recently, upon finishing a transaction at...

In the beginning…

Edit:  This post is really old and now outdated.  It does, however, explain why I keep this up so I won’t take it down… So, you probably aren’t may be wondering why in the...

Carp Streamers American Style

May 5th is Children’s day in Japan, when they celebrate the health of their children (check Wikipedia for the details.)  They put out huge windsocks shaped like carp (a symbol of luck or something.)...

Quote of the Month 2

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers. Carl Sagan


So, I finally got something to go well on my server – I successfully got MiniDLNA set up as a media server on my system.  After loading some videos, pics and tunes onto the...

Quote of the Month 3

A quote from Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts